Wednesday, April 30, 2014

NASCAR Happiness

Wednesday, April 30
Today's Happy Day: NASCAR ALL DAY LONG
Days Left: 81

Today's happy moment is a little bit twofold. Actually, if threefold exists, this is it. 

For one, it's a throwback to the time I went to Vegas with Madeline. For two, it's a NASCAR photo, and Lindsay and I are looking forward to a NASCAR race in a week or so. For THREE, I taught my students about NASCAR today. Man, did they have a lot of questions about it. 

I was searching the archives for a time where I was really comfortable with who I was and what I was accomplishing in life. This year has brought a TON of change, and in some ways that change has gotten me off track. I ended up coming around in the last few months to be back where I want to be, but for the better part of this year (mind you, I'm a teacher so the year is July-July) I've been treading the proverbial water. 

I made mistakes, I moved to a city I hate, I left my friends and family behind - when I was 21, I didn't have any cares in the world (besides if my pants fit, which oddly is STILL a care) and was comfortable blogging about whomever, burning bridges if I had to. 

It's obvious that I've grown up since then, learned a few lessons the hard way, but once in a while, it is always good to go back to where you came from. This, for me, is where I came from - a low-income, sometimes single-parent family that instilled hard working morale and the value of a dollar in my life. I am thankful for the person that I am turning out to be, the things I am accomplishing, and that I can call myself a 21st century woman. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesdays are Tiring.

Tuesday, April 29
Today's Happy Day: one tired scholar
Days Left: 82

Today's Happy Moment was all about the napping. I'm 25, and I can honestly tell you that I like to nap more now than I did when I was 8. That being said, I see all too often a kid that has been going all day long to just all of a sudden fall asleep in class. Today was a computer lab day- we had our things, we were ready to go, and some scholars had to sit out for a few minutes. They put their heads down, and I called them one at a time to go back to a computer. Y had her head down, and I called her to go. She walks over to the computer lab, sits down, and WHAM. out like a light. The girl didn't even wait for her computer to turn on before she fell asleep!

Days like this make me want to be a kid again. It also made me wonder what would happen if I randomly fell asleep in class. I wonder what my students would do!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday Funday?

Monday, April 28
Today's Happy Day: Miss Mackenzie
Days Left: 83

Today was no ordinary Monday, that's for sure.

This week, we start state testing at my school. Not only that, but all my students must have forgotten their specific roles in my classroom. my usual clowns were well behaved, and my well behaved kids forgot their ears at home. It was just one of those days. So, what did we do? Rocked a few reading and writing lessons, did our usual guided reading, but with a twist. It worked for all parties involved, and I got to just go through the day completely unaware of what would happen next. 

So what's my happy moment? Hard to choose. When I'm having a hard, long, otherwise un-joyable day, I take out my phone and I flip through the photos of things I love, things I've written about or people I see less often than I prefer. Today, I flipped out my phone and I saw the most darling photo I took while FaceTimeing my frands back in Oklahoma. 

Miss Mackenzie is articulate, well-spoken and a tell-it-like-it-is individual. She will let you know when you've looked better, and always there to ask twenty questions to try and cheer you up. She calls me "Aunt Noodle" and likes to also send video messages about her life. Needless to say, the homegirl has more cool stuff happening than I do in her world! 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday!

Wednesday through Sunday, here we go! I will be all caught up, and ready for another week of happiness! 

Wednesday, April 23
Today's Happy Day: Panda on Vacation
Days Left: 88

Panda got to have a mini-vacation when he stayed behind with my sister in Washington - he begged me to stay with her and have a vacation. I told him fine, on one condition: that he does his chores and he follows all of Lindsay's directions. 

So what do I get? A photo of him having a lie-in! He did not fold his laundry, did not unload the dishwasher, and DID NOT follow directions. See that frown? He's sad because I told him he couldn't go to the NASCAR race if the debauchery continues. Someone thinks he's entitled. 

Anyway, Panda is kind of a big deal in my family. He goes everywhere, and we pretend he's real. He takes great selfies!

Thursday, April 24
Today's Happy Day: Cat in a Box
Days Left: 87

I flew back from Dallas on United, with a big old box of prescription drugs. I had a note from a doctor on a prescription pad that told me not to check this box. I had to carry it on. Unfortunately, the box didn't really fit under the seat. The flight attendant was nice and said that she would let it slide, but I was determined for it to fit under the seat. 

After a 2 hour flight and a bumpy landing, the older gentleman I was sitting next to turned to me with a quizzical look on his face. I waited, and had to fight the urge to laugh when he asked me an interesting question: "Is your cat okay in there?" 

...I said yes. What else what I was supposed to say? This box was beat up, taped together with no air holes. If he thought a cat lived there, then so be it. 

Friday, April 25
Today's Happy Day: A Hint of Yellow
Days Left: 86

I'm breaking in these shoes for my friend Madeline's wedding, and with that comes the planning of outfits that involve yellow! 

We went outside for the first time in a long time on Friday, and my students were very excited to see that the flowers matched my shoes. They laughed and shouted, "Miss Newell! Miss Newell! Your shoes match the flowers!" 

Indeed. A bright spot in my dull, dull, Friday. After exhaustion, tireless students and one thing after another, it was nice to sit and watch my kiddos at recess. 

Saturday, April 26
Today's Happy Day: FaceTime.
Days Left: 85 

Dating a guy 5 hours away is hard enough, but when we get to see each other every weekend when we are super lucky, and every two weeks on a regular basis, there is a definite lack of, well, facetime. When we both work long hours, we have to rely on texts and the knowledge that we are both thinking about each other. 

Nights like last night, we got to FaceTime and watch the Thunder game together. I love watching basketball with M. He is so analytical where I'm over there like "oh wow, his ears are so small!" I'm sure he gets fed up with all my questions, or lack of knowledge I have on the sport already, but he is patient, kind and is willing to answer even my silliest question. 

Dear iPhone, you make long-distance relationships so much easier. Love, Sadie.

Sunday, FINALLY! April 27
Today's Happy Day: Dutch Babies
Days Left: 84
Not too long ago, my sister and my dad went down to my hometown to clean out my grandmother's house. It was time to put her in a home, and it was up to them to clean out her house before they could put it on the market. Both Lindsay and my dad asked if there was anything I wanted out of the house. I can honestly say that I hadn't been in there for so long I couldn't begin to request something. I told them that there wasn't anything in particular but I did want a small keepsake, like a china cup. 

Not only did my sister surprise me with three difference china bowls and cups, but she also handed over my grandmother's cast iron pan! For those of you that don't know, cast iron pans are like GOLD and best handed down - that way, they are seasoned and have a lot of history. Of course, my first thing to make was a Dutch Baby - a breakfast staple growing up, and something I have been missing dearly! 

Stay tuned this week for my next 7 posts - can't wait to see you on the happier side of life! 

Catchin' Up...

Seriously, this may be the busiest I've been in a while. A week ago today, I was flying home from Washington, where M and I spent time with my family. We got some really good quality time in from Friday to Sunday, and flew back late in the evening. The following morning I was up and at 'em, ready to teach. Wednesday night I flew out to Dallas and back on Thursday afternoon, where I then taught Friday. Pair this with long hours, poor nutrition and all other female things you can think of; by the time Friday night rolled around, I was ready for bed. 

Imagine my delight when the complex next to me decided to bust out their R&B mash-ups until 2 am. I was so angry! I had been looking forward to snuggling down in my duvet for the longest time, and by the time I had finally gotten there, it had been spoiled with the noise from next door. Needless to say, I spent all of yesterday sleeping. I'm still tired from last week, and it's a question of ever being able to catch up! 

So, let's catch up here, so this week can run smoothly. 

Friday, April 18
Today's Happy Day: Hunkalicious M
Days Left: 93 

M was gracious enough to come out to Washington to meet my mom before she passes. It was incredibly humbling, gratifying and special having him by my side on this trip. It meant so much to me that they met each other, and neither one questioned the prospect once. You know, I am incredibly lucky, and FEEL incredibly lucky, to have someone in my life that really wants what is best for me. He is articulate, pensive, intelligent and all the right things. He makes me feel like a million bucks, and I love that! 

Please keep in mind that this will be one of the only times you see a photo of us and our life on any sort of social platform. Due to his requests to keep our relationship off social media, our story is not one I plan on telling, not on here. Live it up while you can! 

Saturday, April 19
Today's Happy Day: Panda Goes Out
Days Left: 92

On Saturday, when we were hanging out in Spokane, Washington (the Italy of the PNW?) we had a wonderful dinner with Panda and Lindsay. We went to the Italian Kitchen and ate family style. We were stuffed and Panda was all about the leftovers. 

He also was into photobombing. Silly Panda. 

Anyway, despite the cold weather it was nice to break bread with Lindsay and M, have time to relax, laugh and reconnect. There is something about family that just soothes the soul and repairs all things in the world. Seeing my big sister was just what I needed to really finish out the year. BONUS: I get to see her again for a NASCAR race in just a few weeks! Actually, in a matter of days at this point! 

Sunday, April 20
Today's Happy Day: Sisterly Love
Days Left: 91
Meet my sister, Lindsay! 

She's my best friend, my confidante, and the most selfless person in the world. She has been the world's most wonderful sister, and someone that definitely keeps me sane. 

Like I said, family soothes my soul. I am so glad that we made this trip happen and that we got to see each other. This year was the first year we have seen one another more than once and it has been such a treat! I miss her so much and was very thankful for the time we got to spend together! 

This has been the best few days of my life. I just really like finding the happiness inside the mundane, or the silver lining in any cloud. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

hey, beyonce!

Today's Happy Moment is brought to you by Miss Sam Poelker's door decoration, and my beautiful sister, Lindsay.

Last week, when we were in Washington, M and I were talking to Lindsay about living in a trailer park and managing it for us. Big money in trailer parks, you see. She convinced us of a lot of things then, but my favorite was when she was discussing the finer points of living in what she calls a "fly trailer." Sidenote, my sister is not trashy and does not currently live in a park, but she's a badass that could definitely handle the clientele. Lindsay informed M and I that she would have the best trailer - one that was so flossy that when Beyonce came for tea, she would say, "Girl, your trailer is so fly!" 

I've never heard anything like it. Imagine my surprise, then, when I got close to Sam's fraction leprechauns that she had her class make. Of course, I couldn't help myself and had to text Lindsay a picture asking if this particular Beyonce would be invited for tea in her Tennessee Trailer. 

Today's Happy Day: Beyonce.
Days Left: 89

Monday, April 21, 2014

hoggin' up the road with my p-p-p-p-plower...

Today's Happy Moment truly made me laugh. It, again, was hard to choose. I had a wonderful day with my students, and we talked a lot about expectations in third grade. For some reason, they just love running down the hallway. It is INCREDIBLY frustrating. Regardless, we deal with it and move on.

Now, this afternoon I was really trying to get myself to the grocery store to make sure I was ready for the week and have a healthy plan in place (seriously, bikini season is coming and I am NOT READY). On my way there, I notice this guy just driving along the road on his LAWNMOWER. People, come on, this isn't something you see every day, not even in Kansas, but seriously, you could use the sidewalk and stop holding up the general public. What do I know, I don't own one!

Anyway, here's today's Happy Moment - feel free to check back for the weekend update!

Today's Happy Day: Man on a Mower
Days Left: 90! 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

bar graphs.

Today's happy moment was an accidental find. I debated whether or not I could post a video - the rules don't state otherwise, and I watched my students have this epic dance party/battle where one of my little boys really showed off his moves! Somehow, though, it didn't do my day justice. I was able to relax with my students today - for one, it was PJ day but also because our dynamic just allowed for it today. We had indoor recess/dance party, watched a little bit of that Mr. Peabody and Sherman video, and my kiddos were FINALLY off punishment for looking like animals in the hallway! 

I digress. Grades are due for us Sunday, so I was working through piles (and piles, and piles) of work that had to be entered in the system. We have been working extensively on graphing data and it was so refreshing to see that K, one of my students that has really blossomed this year, knock her answer out of the park. I think we may have a future teacher on our hands!! 

Today's Happy Day: Second Grade Wisdom
Days Left: 94

PS, I'm headed to my home state of Washington this weekend, so check my Instagram (@sadienewell) and wait impatiently for my blogs to go up Monday! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

let me take a selfieeeee

Well, the time has come where I've displayed my love of the selfie. Embarrassed? Nahhh, it's all in a days work. 

Today's 100 Happy Days moment is brought to you by Starbucks, the most influential establishment when it comes to my teaching career. I need caffeine.. I NEED CAFFEINE. With Pajama Day being tomorrow...I may need DOUBLE caffeine to function. 

Either way, who doesn't love an americano before 7 am? I definitely do. 

Today's Happy Day: The Starbucks Selfie
Days Left: 95

View Instagram here, or add me @sadienewell!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

baby beluga and the deep blue sea

Well, hello, and welcome to my newest installment of the #100HappyDays Challenge. 

Mini Update (after four days, I know, how pretentious):

I like this because every day I look forward to choosing my happy  moment. I think a lot about which moments I like the best and which I want to share - this one today, was an ending to a pretty happy day. 
My students just made me laugh today. Usually, I'm so concerned with unnecessary noises and weird things happening to my students or whispers that I don't take a step back just to watch them be kids. Today was one of those days where every time I looked up there was SOMETHING happening. 

I couldn't decide between this moment, a moment where I looked up during independent free play and watched a kid legitimately fall over (tried to catch himself and everything), or the moment of fun water bottle games in the hallway. I couldn't decide if mastery of quotation marks was happy enough, or if grading themselves on a writing rubric counted. 

In the end, I chose the quick photo of me holding a ton of programs for our school concert, featuring Baby Beluga. It was one of those moments where I looked around, realized that we all had been at school for over 12 hours, managed behaviors and taught first and second graders for the majority of that time, and all had smiles on our faces. We all sang along with the kiddos, watched them run up and down the hallways, dressed down and laughing. Sometimes it is so hard to get lost in our jobs - how hard they are, stressful, how much time our job gets vs the rest of our lives, but moments like today really do show me that even though one of my students dropped the F-bomb a few times, or a little girl was so sick she was crying...there's happiness everywhere, as long as we look for it. Until tomorrow, readers! 

Today's Happy Day: Program Queen of UA
Days Left: 96

View Instagram here, or add me @sadienewell!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Because I'm Happyyyyyy...

Hello again!

You know, what I really like about this "challenge" is that I get to pick and choose which moment to share. Today was really difficult - there were so many moments I wanted to share. A kiddo losing his tooth, my students all working diligently during guided reading time, the best lunch ever, wherever I went today, I saw so many opportunities to share my happiness. Today though, was one of my favorites.

One of my students, S, went home sick today. After mildly complaining all morning (and this girl, although a complainer, is more of the stomp-around-and-roll-my-eyes type) and looking MISERABLE, I finally sent her to the nurse. Although she felt cool, homegirl had a temp and was on her way back to bed at home.

We were out of our classroom when she left so she came to find me - but she left me a present that was the most ADORABLE thing ever. There are times where I just love my job and marvel in my students. She really makes me appreciate my work and what I'm trying to do with my students every day. Also, I love presents on my desk!

Today's Happy Day: University Academy Charter
Days Left: 97

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Washington Weather

It's no secret I miss my hometown, and today was a day unlike any other. I tried to go to a play today, but there was a shooting at the Jewish Community Center. Tried to get brunch today, but there was an hour know, usual things that would make me at least a little put out (okay, okay, the shooting actually just SCARED me, not put me out) were put from my mind because of the weather today.

Today's Happy Day: The View from my Couch
Days Left: 98

View Post Here! With snow on the forecast for tomorrow, I reveled in the storm today. FaceTime with my favorites, dozing in and out of sleep...there's something so relaxing about having an excuse NOT to get off the couch! Although I'm sure, in the end, I'll look back and say to myself, "Sadie, you should have worked out today," I am perfectly content with the fact that I did not, and that I got to watch the lightning streak the sky instead. Happy Sunday, everyone!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Breathe In, Breathe Out....


As I take a deep breath and find myself, once again, writing within a screen-sized text box, I realize that it has been so long since I shared where I am, what I'm doing, and what makes me happy. Now, I understand that none of you missed me PER SAY, but that was just because you forgot how entertaining I can be.

This week, I decided to start the 100 Happy Days challenge. 100 days of posts about what makes me happy - whether it happens to be a beautiful sunrise, a trip to the dog park, what have you.

I've been incredibly apathetic lately when it comes to writing. I have things to say, all jumbled in my head, but couldn't figure out my platform or really inspiration for it to come to fruition. I've decided to jump the gun, and make a blog. My students may be featured but this isn't solely about them, I may from time to time find something to vent about but for the most part, this is just for my 100 happy days. After that, I am hoping to have the inspiration to continue with something here.

Anyway, I am rambling. Let's start at the beginning. What is this challenge, you ask? It's simple enough. For 100 Days, I am committed to Instagramming something that makes me happy. I am an instagram fanatic (@sadienewell) so I don't find this incredibly daunting.

Read more about the project here.

Today's Happy Day: The Dog Park
Days Left: 99
View image HERE! or there ----->

Ava and Mya are the product of a breakup. When their fur dad and I broke up, I lost the custody battle. To be honest, I didn't put up much of a fight. It had already been discussed that I wouldn't get the dogs in the event we separated and although it does make me sad I don't get to watch them grow up into mature fur persons, it is for the best.

Today, I got to see them! It was so nice to watch them run around the dog park, sit at my feet, and play with other dogs. My heart was full and happy, which is exactly what I wanted. There's something so innocent, so pure about dogs.