Mini Update (after four days, I know, how pretentious):
I like this because every day I look forward to choosing my happy moment. I think a lot about which moments I like the best and which I want to share - this one today, was an ending to a pretty happy day.
My students just made me laugh today. Usually, I'm so concerned with unnecessary noises and weird things happening to my students or whispers that I don't take a step back just to watch them be kids. Today was one of those days where every time I looked up there was SOMETHING happening.
I couldn't decide between this moment, a moment where I looked up during independent free play and watched a kid legitimately fall over (tried to catch himself and everything), or the moment of fun water bottle games in the hallway. I couldn't decide if mastery of quotation marks was happy enough, or if grading themselves on a writing rubric counted.

Today's Happy Day: Program Queen of UA
Days Left: 96
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