I took off work today to get my teeth closer to being fixed (root canals are no fun). A few days ago, I got pulled over by the wonderful men of the Nichols Hills police department. This man was pulling me over, and for once in my life I had no idea why. Long story short, my tags are expired. Shocking.
Me being brilliant (so I thought), I was just going to take a whole day off, get my new Oklahoma license in the morning, teeth in the afternoon, and call it a productive day.
...I forgot about one thing. Today is Veteran's Day.
I feel like an idiot! I teach the youth, I know that this day comes around, and I still remember that one pre-fabbed speech I had to give at the Veteran's Day assembly that one year in high school (I hated it, and rewrote it). Point is, I know that this is a holiday that comes around every year.

So guess what was closed.
- the TAG agency
- the DMV
- the other place out-of-state residents have to go to get their license
So now, readers, I had the morning to myself. I slept till 11, made some short ribs for the crock pot, and had the maintenance man at our apartment come over and hang curtains (nothing like storing things ON THE WALL). I wandered over to my dentist and spent a couple hours over there. It was pretty unremarkable, and a wonderfully laid back day.
It's finally cold here. We skipped fall and went straight to winter. See Saturday? Yup, that is a tiny little snowflake which can only mean one thing: Snow Days are upon us: the best part about teaching (sometimes?)!
Somewhere in the middle of said day, post-dentist pre-dinner, I realized that I could either go work out or I could do something else. Today is my optional day: I can work out but I also don't have to if I want to meet my goal. I logged online to see if I could take a hot yoga class today - see that picture? Now is the PERFECT time to do yoga - but it was a yin yoga class and I'm not into lying on the floor breathing deeply. I like that vinyasa!
That decided for me, I went with something..else. The thing I chose to do today was probably super dumb in some peoples' humble opinions, and I tend to agree. I made cookies.
Not just any cookies.
Not whole30 cookies.
cookies. with butter. and sugars.
and chocolate. and flour.
Well, because. I wanted to give the maintenance man some cookies for his job well done, I wanted to use up the flour, sugar, oats, butter and powdered sugars I have lying around here, and there is SOMETHING about Whole30 that makes me live on the edge. I want to test myself, see if I can do it, see if I can bake and not be tempted. Everyone who does whole30 and blogs about it is always talking about finding balance. Balance in life, work, fitness, relationships. Well, hell, I just want balance in the kitchen! I miss baking. I miss making a mess of sugars and flours and at the end of the day saying, "I did that!"
Paleo baking doesn't do this to me. Paleo baking is, in my mind, an opt-out. Of course it is hard to magically make a sugar cookie with ghee, date paste, coconut milk and almond meal, and it isn't interesting to me. I think the joy I find in the kitchen stems with the idea of having SO many options, and so many combos that if I can find a way to put it together cohesively, people will enjoy that. The majority of people won't enjoy date paste/ghee/almond meal cookies. I might not even enjoy those.
So, here's to living life on the edge, making cookies for whatever reason when you say no to yourself, and coming out stronger and better in the end. Stay tuned tomorrow for an update in the kitchen - whole30 style!
It's finally cold here. We skipped fall and went straight to winter. See Saturday? Yup, that is a tiny little snowflake which can only mean one thing: Snow Days are upon us: the best part about teaching (sometimes?)!
Somewhere in the middle of said day, post-dentist pre-dinner, I realized that I could either go work out or I could do something else. Today is my optional day: I can work out but I also don't have to if I want to meet my goal. I logged online to see if I could take a hot yoga class today - see that picture? Now is the PERFECT time to do yoga - but it was a yin yoga class and I'm not into lying on the floor breathing deeply. I like that vinyasa!
That decided for me, I went with something..else. The thing I chose to do today was probably super dumb in some peoples' humble opinions, and I tend to agree. I made cookies.
Not just any cookies.
Not whole30 cookies.
cookies. with butter. and sugars.
and chocolate. and flour.
Well, because. I wanted to give the maintenance man some cookies for his job well done, I wanted to use up the flour, sugar, oats, butter and powdered sugars I have lying around here, and there is SOMETHING about Whole30 that makes me live on the edge. I want to test myself, see if I can do it, see if I can bake and not be tempted. Everyone who does whole30 and blogs about it is always talking about finding balance. Balance in life, work, fitness, relationships. Well, hell, I just want balance in the kitchen! I miss baking. I miss making a mess of sugars and flours and at the end of the day saying, "I did that!"
Paleo baking doesn't do this to me. Paleo baking is, in my mind, an opt-out. Of course it is hard to magically make a sugar cookie with ghee, date paste, coconut milk and almond meal, and it isn't interesting to me. I think the joy I find in the kitchen stems with the idea of having SO many options, and so many combos that if I can find a way to put it together cohesively, people will enjoy that. The majority of people won't enjoy date paste/ghee/almond meal cookies. I might not even enjoy those.
So, here's to living life on the edge, making cookies for whatever reason when you say no to yourself, and coming out stronger and better in the end. Stay tuned tomorrow for an update in the kitchen - whole30 style!
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